Melia is doing so we
ll that nurses and doctors are making comments and asking questions about what she's still doing there. Her primary nurse told us to get ready because she thinks she'll be home before the end of the week! She seems to have really mastered the art of breathing while eating and over the past 2 days hasn't had a single brady/apnea episode while eating or otherwise. A few nights ago she did have an apnea episode in her sleep. She had at least one for 3 days/nights in a row, so this makes her a candidate for a take home apnea monitor. The social worker in charge of the apnea program asked me if it was something that we'd be interested in, and while I can't wait for my little ladies to be completely wireless, the peace of mind that comes along with her coming home on a monitor is far more important. So, barring some unforeseen event or change in circumstance, it looks like Melia will be coming home on a the apnea mon
itor. I'll go into more detail on the monitor and what it does in a future blog if she does in fact come home with one, but for now, let me not get ahead of myself. She's up to 50mls of milk every 3 hours now and weighs 5lbs 3oz as of tonight. The past couple days I've taken some funny pictures of Melia. The first one is from Saturday night after her bath. I put the towel around her head to keep her head warm while we waited for the nurse to bring the scale over for her to get weighed. All the nurses got a big kick out of her head wrap. :-) The second one is from today. Her green sunglasses with fruit on them match so perfectly with her watermelon outfit that I just had to get a picture! Madison was wearing her watermelon outfit too, but we tend to torture Madison with these things a little less since she's in the isolette and trying to grow. Once she's in a crib, let the torture begin! Haha.

Madison is now taking 4
0mls of milk every 3 hours. The extra calories that she's being given twice a day in the formula seems to be doing the trick. She's gained weight every night since and is now only a fraction of an ounce away from the 4lb mark, weighing 3lbs 15.8oz as of tonight! Tomorrow should be the big 4lb day! Now that she's hit the magic 1800 grams that the nurses were waiting for, she'll be put in a crib tonight! This is so exciting for us. Mike and I were talking on the way home from the hospital tonight about how amazing it is that we get so excited for these little things. But for Maddie to be in a crib makes such a huge difference. Being out of the isolette means no more plastic walls in between us. No more changing diapers and dressing her through little hand holes in a plastic wall. Her being in a crib will give us immediate access t
o her. Even that statement alone seems so strange doesn't it? All this time - her 7+ weeks of life - and I've never had immediate access to her. Only recently have I been allowed to take her in and out of her isolette without the assistance of a nurse. Allowed. Ha. All this time I've been told what I'm allowed to do with my own daughter. And every day I'm allowed to do more and more, which is like a privilege. It's such a strange feeling. Something I never thought I'd have to experience. But you know, it makes me appreciate these little things all that much more. I'm looking forward to going to the hospital tomorrow morning in a major way - all because tomorrow there won't be a single thing in between me and both of my girls.