**top two pictures are Melia - bottom picture is Madison**
Monday, July 20, 2009
Day 45
Daddy Blog: Progression. We are starting to see it at a very nice pace at this point. Both of my little ladies have shown it to us in their eating abilities. No more than a week ago, we would have to stare at each of them, and pull out bottles to remind them to breathe. But now they are realizing what eating and breathing entails. Its been so amazing to watch this happen. Back when they first started on the bottles, you would have to yank it out of their mouth, and then watch their numbers crash. Your heart rate would increase, as theirs decreased. The nurse would have to grab them out of my hands to bang on their back. But now, they take the bottle, and chug until they have to breathe. They stop eating, and take a few puffs, and then continue on. Its great not to be on edge with every insertion of the bottle nipple. Now don't get me wrong, they still have their moments. For example, today Lia coughed up a little of her food, and you can see it went down the wrong tube, and she crashed. But I don't get as nervous as I used to. I feel I can handle it now. I just calmly put the bottle down, and start assisting her out of her moment. She catches her breath, and looks to carry on. I guess in a way, I'm progressing too.
Staying on tonight's topic, we have a 5 pounder in the house!! Lia crossed over tonight, weighing in at 5
lbs 1oz! It was a monumental moment, and it was the first time in a while that we took a picture of one of them getting weighed. It was bath night, so after being aggravated by mom, she took her bottle pretty well. Maddie on the other hand, has slowed a little in terms of weight gain. She did not gain for the third straight day. I'm not to concerned about it yet. We have been told that sometimes they plateau, before moving onto the next step. Plus, she is coming off the electrolytes and lipids, and getting all of her nutrition from feedings. I think she just needs to get a little more food, and she will be fine. Maddie was so awake after her 11 o'clock feeding. She seems to be the more inquisitive of the two. She just looks around at her surroundings, and I just wonder what goes through her little mind.
I'm very pleased with the progress of both of my girls. I think they are doing great. As Amanda said yesterday, I would just like to reiterate my thanks to all of you for all that you have done for us. We have a beautiful nursery that so many of you helped fill. It now seems that sooner, rather than later, our nursery will be complete, when our little angels arrive.