The girls had the second part of their eye test yesterday. I didn't find this out until today, which I find odd, but whatever. They had the test at about 4:30pm and apparently had a rough time with their 5pm feedings (Maddie having a harder time with it than Lia), but other than that they didn't show any signs of distress from the test. I mean, Mike and I didn't notice a thing last night because they did so well with their feedings and everything, so obviously they weren't that stressed by it. The test came back with normal results again. Their eyes have progressed, but are still incomplete, which is normal for their gestational age. Their eyes should show as complete closer to their due date. So they'll get another test in 2 weeks. I'm not expecting Melia to still be in the NICU in 2 weeks, and maybe Maddie won't be either if her infection proves to be gone for good and she continues to do well - so we will probably need to bring them to the opthamologist for their next appointment.
Tonight at midnight will be Maddie's last dose of antibiotics, so the next few days will be telling. Hopefully since her infection was identified this time around and treated with the right antibiotics, it won't resurface. She's up to 34ml of milk every 3 hours and is tolerating her feedings very well. This is huge for Maddie since before she wasn't able to get past the 22ml mark without getting sick. After 3 days of not gaining any weight, she finally broke through and gained 15 grams today, so she's now 3lbs 13oz and hopefully on the fast track to 4lbs! Her length was measured last night and she's now 15 3/4 inches.
Lia continues to grow, grow, grow. Tonight she's up to 5lbs 2oz! And as of last night her length stands at 18 inches! It doesn't surprise me that she grows so well with the amount of time she spends sleeping. These girls are living proof that babies grow when they sleep. Lia sleeps and grows like crazy while Maddie, lil' miss busy body, spends the majority of her day awake and just looking around - burning calories! Lia is steady on 45mls of milk every 3 hours and continues to tolerate this amount well. 
Both girls are working out acid reflux issues, which is normal for premies. But when they reflux, it's not like a full term baby that might just spit up, cause a mess and cry from the discomfort. When premies reflux you have all that plus the added possibility of a brady episode. They've had a little reflux since they first started eating, but now that their feeding amounts are more substantial, the reflux is really evident. Maddie tends to reflux after she's done eating and gets put back in her isolette - she'll brady (or come close to a brady) almost every time. Lia actually refluxed today before her feeding. Her previous feedings milk must've really come up good and it really messed with her body - she had a pretty bad brady and needed oxygen to get her out of it. Once it was over, she was fine and she took her bottle like a champ. Once the get closer to their full term gestational age, the reflux should go away - and if it doesn't - well, that's what pepcid, burp cloths and ear plugs are for! :-) The main thing is that once they get closer to full term, at least a reflux problem won't make them have problems breathing.
The past couple of days I've been working non-stop on the nursery and it's as good as done now. Everything is set up and ready to go. All we need now are babies to put in it. :-)