Maddie is doing great too. Her one night nurse has been giving her almost all of her night feedings by bottle, even though the doctors orders only call for feedings by bottle 2x/day - and she has done great with this. Maddie really has the breathing and eating at the same time thing down pretty well and I think that she'll be off the nasal cannula not too far behind Lia. I think Dr. Kamtorn is only really leaving it on right now because Maddie has been sick and she wants to make sure that she is feeling 100% before she takes her off of the oxygen, but I know she can handle it and it will only be a matter of time. She's up to 20mls of milk every 3 hours and seems to be tolerating her food better each day. If she continues to do well with her food toleration, she'll be taken off of the lipids and electrolytes tomorrow so she can finally be IV free - hopefully for good this time! She's tipping the scales at 3lbs 6.7oz as of last night - a few more ounces and she'll be ready for a crib herself! (4lbs is the milestone that allows her to get into a crib) We've decided to start saving for the girls' college's our plan (check out the writing on Maddie's shirt)....
I personally think that 50 cents for a picture with this beauty is a screamin' deal! Double Trouble will be home before we know it everyone! 
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Happy 34 weeks!
The girls are 34 weeks today and Melia has hit another of early this morning she is off of the nasal cannula and officially breathing without any assistance! Walking in this morning and seeing her beautiful face with out any tape, and only her feeding tube in her mouth was such a pleasant surprise! See.... :-)
The nasal cannula is kept on site by her in case she needs a boost during her feedings because she still does desaturate and forget to breathe at times while she's bottle feeding, but she's getting a lot better with that. She took her entire bottle last night on only 21% oxygen and didn't desaturate once. This morning, she was off of the nasal cannula and only had a problem at the very end with only 5mls of her 40ml feeding left to go - but for just about the entire feeding she was completely off of the oxygen without a problem, so this is a work in very fast progress. As of yesterday she is taking every other feeding by bottle, so this is up to 4 feedings per day by bottle. And also as of yesterday, they are weening her off of the isolette (meaning that they are making sure that she can maintain her body temperature outside of the isolette) and they expect her to be out of the isolette and in a crib within a few days! Dr. Kamtorn said yesterday that she's doing so well that the covering doctor might just send her home while Dr. Kamtorn is on vacation - so Melia could be home in less than 2 weeks! She's 4lbs 4.1oz now and moving fast!