Thursday, August 6, 2009


A cake made for us by Joan (my sister-in-law's mother-in-law). We didn't even want to eat it!

Little Ladies taking a nappy together.

Lia sleeping soundly.

Maddie, so comfy cozy.

Maddie making funny faces while she drives off after her bath.

Lia wrapped up in her towel after her bath.

I love how Lia is resting her head on Maddie's hand while they sleep. So cute.

Hanging out with my little ladies.

Maddie makes the funniest faces. :-)

Melia having some "tummy time." She likes looking at herself in the mirror.

To give some perspective on Maddie's size - this is my tiny lil' Maddie in her swing next to her cousin Paige's doll.

Maddie joined us for dinner out on the deck. This was her first time hanging out outside.

Doesn't look like this bouncer chairs are made for preemies, huh? Haha. Melia came outside for dinner too, but she doesn't even know it because she was sleeping the whole time.

Double Trouble - Maddie is on the left - Lia is on the right