Bath Time! Don't be alarmed by the crazy belly buttons...they have umbilical hernias (not to be confused with a groin hernia) - it's from all the straining that they do - it's very common in preemies and should go down and into a normal little button by the time they're about 1 year old.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The Girls First Day/Night at Home - PICTURES
Apologies, but I uploaded the pictures in the wrong way, so you'll have to start at the bottom and work your way up to see the order of the day. Enjoy! :-)
Bath Time! Don't be alarmed by the crazy belly buttons...they have umbilical hernias (not to be confused with a groin hernia) - it's from all the straining that they do - it's very common in preemies and should go down and into a normal little button by the time they're about 1 year old.
A little after bath time sisterly's this for a change - Maddie sleeping and Lia wide awake.

During the day we all just hung out. We found out that Maddie loves to swing - again, I really think that she enjoys the lights and sounds that it makes.

After about an hour I laid them flat and they sprawled out. Maddie finally looked liked she was willing to take at least a cat nap.

After their 5am feeding I propped them up on their boppy pillows so they wouldn't throw all their food up. Melia of course went right back to sleep, but Madison was wide awake with no signs of sleeping in sight. I found that she really likes the lights and sounds of the baby soother that we attached to the crib. 

Bath Time! Don't be alarmed by the crazy belly buttons...they have umbilical hernias (not to be confused with a groin hernia) - it's from all the straining that they do - it's very common in preemies and should go down and into a normal little button by the time they're about 1 year old.