The girls have settled into their formulas (which by the way, my insurance pays for 100% of Melia's formula!! I thought they'd pay the same 90% that they are paying for Madison's, but apparently there is more coverage for a specialty, non-prescription formula - go figure). Madison is taking between 90 and 110ccs, depending on her mood and Melia is taking between 100 and 120ccs, depending on her mood - but she usually takes a whole 120, which is 4oz - I think we'll be moving to bigger bottles with her very shortly. They're both still having reflux episodes here and there. Melia seems to be having more episodes, which is out of the ordinary. I'm thinking that their Pepcid dosage might need an increase since they've each gained a couple pounds since their last increase. Our next appointment with the specialist is at the end of the month. I'll call him if I need to before that, otherwise, I'll talk to him about it then. I'll see how things go over the next few days.
Now that the formula issue seems to be settled for the time being, of course another issue must arise - constipation. Both girls have been having poop issues. Melia has been having problems for a while now, but Madison always did pretty well in this area - until late last week. Now they're both pooping once every few days - and at times, it gets ugly. I actually had to stimulate her yesterday to get her to go and when she did it hard and she had so much trouble getting it out. So today I gave them both a bit of prune juice in their afternoon bottle. It seems to have worked well for Madison. About 3 hours later she was, um, in a word, explosive! ;-) I haven't seen a change in Melia yet, but we'll see what happens.
In other very exciting news, the girls have slept through the night 3 times in the past week! Not three consecutive nights, but three nights nonetheless. We've been feeding them at 11pm and giving them a few extra ccs to try to fill their tummies to hold them over through the night - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't - but it's a start. On three nights we've had 6-7 hour stretches of sleep overnight! WOOHOO!! I forgot what it was like to sleep at night! It's quite refreshing!
Don't get me wrong, there is still some stirring here and there requiring me to reach over into the bassinet and put the binkies in the their mouths, but nothing that requires me to actually get up. They probably won't be on the apnea monitors much longer. The monitor company came to the house yesterday to download the memory off the monitors and they'll send that info to the apnea clinic - once the clinic gets that info I'm guessing I'll get the call that they can come off the monitors because they really haven't had many episodes lately - and the ones that they have had, I don't believe they were true events. So while I still have the security blanket of the apnea monitors, we're going to finally make the transition to the nursery. So tonight is that night. Wish us luck! By the way, Melia says Hi! ;-)