The girls continue to make small strides each day. Both are off of the IVs and receiving all of their nutrition from their feedings (which makes me feel great because watching/listening to Maddie go through getting an IV put in broke my heart). Maddie was back under phototherapy today because her jaundice started creeping up again. I feel bad when she has to wear those blinders because she's so curious and loves to look around.
Amanda and I used today as a celebration of how far we've come. It's been such a long journey just to get to this point. She has had to sacrifice so much. I gave blood yesterday (to be directed donated to the girls in the likely event that they require more blood transfusions) and it felt like the first thing that I've been able to physically give to my girls. Meanwhile, Amanda had to change everything and give so much as far back as when these little girls were just a hope.
*top picture is Lia - middle picture with the white and purple hat is Maddie - bottom picture is dad holding Lia*